Home (Norwegian)
Daily Signs

About DagligData AS
DagligData AS is a small Norwegian company focusing on development of
computer programs (for PCs and PDAs) where personalized use of gestures
and manual signs
is a significant element of the users everyday communication (e.g. based on signed Norwegian and/or Norwegian sign language).
We are also publishing and reselling books, videos, computer programs and other
dedicated equipment within the AAC area.
Our main product, the Windows-based 'sign processor' Daily
Signs, was primarily
developed to give severely disabled people a communication tool.
The Norwegian name of the program 'DagligSpråk', means something
'EverydayLanguage' in English, and the program gives you
the possibility to 'write' sign language while you type in the words.
Daily Signs can be controlled either by the keyboard, the mouse
or one or more personalized switches.
The integrated graphics are related to Norwegian sign language,
but they can easily be replaced by your own graphic files.
Daily Signs offers considerable help to every slow writer.
You can let the program propose the rest of the word as you type in
- and the proposed word will be illustrated by the assigned graphic file!
The program menues can be shown in Norwegian or English,
and there is also possible to let an English translation of the Norwegian meaning
accompany the Norwegian signs.
Send an e-mail to get more information!
Our e-mail address: firmapost@dagligdata.no
DagligData AS wish to contribute
to better communication among people.
in Norwegian
